Multiple Income Streams – DVD Boxset


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How to make more money part time than most people  make full time starting your own business.

“Do you want to start a business? In the comfort of your own home, spend an entire day with Barry on DVD. Find out exactly how you can make more money part time or full time. Learn how to start new businesses and create multiple income streams, part-time businesses, that will pour £30,000+ into your bank account, year after year, after year”

If you carry on as you are, you know, doing what you’ve always done, where do you think you will be in three years time?

If you want more money in your bank account at the end of each month, surely now is the time to commit to making a real change in the way you do things.

Start a new business and find financial freedom.

Three years ago I started “The Barry Tyler Unleashed” seminars and workshops to show people that it didn’t take much of a change in attitude, or technique, to achieve lasting financial freedom. To earn a lot more money each month only requires small changes.

Since the start of those seminars my “Inner Circle” has achieved AMAZING results. This is your chance to buy a DVD recording of my latest and most popular seminar ever. It’s all about how you can find businesses, start a new business and make more money part time.

I have no doubt that one of the most important steps on the journey to financial freedom is having the ability to create multiple income streams without impacting on what you currently do each day.

The purpose of this DVD is to show you exactly how to identify new business opportunities . It then shows you to turn them into part-time businesses each one with the ability to add another £30,000 or more to your bank account, every year. The plan is to either grow these part-time businesses to the point where they can replace your current job – or run them in parallel with your existing income streams and simply pocket the extra money. And if you already own a business, I will show you how to make it far more profitable than it is now without spending any more money or any more time on that business.

I’m sure it’s obvious to you that £30,000 a year from each idea is just the starting point. Since my model is to create a business that doesn’t require you to swap your precious time for this income, there really is no limit to how much money it can earn.

The average salary in the UK is £26,000 a year – and that’s FULL TIME. Imagine the difference just one part-time business worth over £30,000 a year could make to your finances! If you are genuinely looking to make more money, whether it’s an extra £30,000 or whether you long term aim is to become a millionaire, this is the DVD for you.

Start a business – but make sure it is the right one for you.

In my latest wealth creation DVD I show you:

  1. How to start a business that is right for you.
  2. How to identify and exploit brand new business opportunities to make you more money every single day.
  3. How to grow part-time income streams to the point where they can easily replace your existing income stream.
  4. I show you what businesses ideas you absolutely must avoid at all costs – and why.
  5. How to start a business and make more money in your spare time – with very little seed money or resources.
  6. How to grow a £30k business into £250k income stream.
  7. If you already own a business I will show you how to put an extra 30% profit on your bottom line without working any extra hours.
  8. I will show you what businesses can make you vast amounts of money with virtually no risk and hardly any seed capital.
  9. I will also show you where I currently get 30% returns on my savings by investing in other people’s start up businesses and I will show you how you can do the same.
  10. I will show you why you will never take business advice from bankers and accountants ever again and where you go for free money-making advice that is worth millions of pounds to you in future revenues.
  11. Most important of all, I will show you how to solve the problem I am asked the most by my members “I don’t know what business I should actually get involved in”.
A brand new DVD on how to start a business and create multiple income streams.

I think it’s time to get serious about starting a new business of your own, don’t you? Sitting on the sofa trying to dream up where you can make a million pounds simply doesn’t work. Just look at your existing bank balance if your don’t believe me.

It’s important to remember that “The money doesn’t come to you”. You have to go to the money – and the sad truth is, most people simply don’t invest enough time and money in their own financial education to ever hope to achieve financial freedom.

If you’re NOT prepared to invest in the most important asset you have, namely YOU, well, you may as well give up on your dream of achieving financial freedom altogether.

Harsh? Mmmm – I don’t think so, simply because I know how quickly you can change your personal fortunes when you have the right motivation and the right advice. I want to work with people who are genuinely interested in making more cash every single day.

To make more money each month – invest in the most precious commodity you have – yourself

Whether you want to start a business that is part time or full time, or maybe you are simply looking to get your money sweating instead of snoozing – this is the DVD for you.

If you are prepared to make the commitment and invest some time in “YOU” I will give you my total commitment to try to push you out of your current rut and on to the next level in your search for financial freedom.

There will be no “up-sell”, no “back-end sell” or any other kind of sell for that matter. This DVD is simply about how you can make more money each month by making just a few changes to the way you currently work and changes in the way you think money is made.

But enough of the sales pitch, what’s on offer here is an insight into the world of wealth creation that you will not find anywhere else.

This “Start a business: Generate huge profits from multiple income streams” DVD set is totally dedicated to improving YOUR financial standing over the next three years. Be warned – it won’t be pleasant for many. Harsh truths are often hard to swallow – I’m not afraid to tell it how it is, but the results I’ve achieved over the last ten years speak for themselves.

I genuinely believe this is the best money you will EVER spend on creating your new £30,000 a year part time business.

 This “start a new business” DVD will give you a crystal clear understanding of where you are right now and what you need to do in order to make more money every week.

Only you can decide what value that has to you and whether you are prepared to give up your time and your hard-earned cash to make that all important step up.

And with the government spending plans currently on the table it is safe to assume that an awful lot of people are going to find themselves with more time on their hands and less money in their pockets in the years ahead.

Testimonials from some of the Inner Circle members who attended this workshop:

“So, I’m going home once again, thinking the opposite of what I thought when I arrived.”

“Very entertaining and informative – thank you for a great day Barry.”

“I wasn’t able to see the would for the trees but Barry helped to open my horizon and think outside the box. Thank you.”

“What a great set of guidelines on how to start a business. Priceless. I need THIS sort of education.”

“Excellent stimulating stuff! Barry always tells it like it is.”

“Full of enthusiasm, knowledge and no B.S. Barry tells it straight and as it is.”

” The best seminar I have been to – fantastic.”

“Extremely powerful seminar.”

“Barry flipped the traditional view of how a business model works on its head.”

“A motivating and empowering day – thank you.”

A message from Barry Tyler – do you seriously want to start a business to make more money?

It has been an absolute joy to write my Newsletter over the last nine years and I’m delighted that the Inner Circle has been so successful. It’s so rewarding to get emails from readers reporting their financial successes. Making money is very rewarding but it’s also a lot of fun as I have discovered over the years.

Despite the ravages of the financial meltdown, the money-making opportunities are still there for those of us who are prepared to take them.

I think it’s fair to say that there isn’t a single person alive who can’t make more money by changing the way they do things.

2013 turned out to be exactly what we all expected. Ultimately, if you want more cash in your bank account every month it’s not about what’s happening in the rest of the country it’s all about what’s happening in your world that counts.

Right now the financial markets are in crisis as the level of debt continues to grow. Global currencies are perilously close to losing the confidence necessary to support them and after inflation any money in your bank account is making you negative returns. Confidence in the people who claim they know how to run the country has never been lower.

Your pension fund has been raided and the apparent solution is that you can now work five years longer to make up the short-fall. Over the coming years you will learn that the pension scheme you put so much faith in is the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time.

You really couldn’t make this stuff up!!!

Too many people have spent money they haven’t got on things they don’t need – now it’s payback time. The money has run out and the government solution is to simply print more money. Trillions of pounds of tax payer’s money is supposed to come from somewhere, but where? – nobody knows. The printing presses are running around the clock in the belief that the debt problem is best solved with even more debt.

You cannot solve a debt crisis by throwing more debt at the problem.

The big question is “Where the heck do we go from here?”

My view is that you can’t save the world – but you can save yourself. Get it right and you will not only hold on to what you already have but you could make a personal fortune from the current crisis.

In this DVD on how to start a business and generate multiple income streams I will reveal the secret to making huge profits over the next three years despite the financial crisis that currently surrounds us. Do not be embarrassed by this – great companies are created and massive fortunes are made in the midst of a recession.

This DVD is designed for anyone who genuinely wants to start a business and have a lot more money in their bank account at the end of each month. And it’s not just about the cash and what you can do with it. It’s amazing how much difference a bit more money makes to your general well-being.

Remember, I am not an Independent Financial Adviser and I am not allowed to tell you what you should do with your money. But I can tell you what I am doing with MY money and why. I can also share with your the techniques that I use to obtain seed-money and how I then use that seed money to move to the next level of financial freedom. Of course not all of the things I invest in will be right for you so it’s important that you do your own due diligence.

If you missed the workshop this is your chance to see the entire event on DVD from the comfort of your own home. Watch it as many times as you like and if you have kids who are just starting off on their careers this will be an eye opener for them too. I genuinely believe that this DVD will not only change your attitudes, it will change your family fortunes as well. If you want to learn how to start a business and avoid all the costly mistakes that mean 90% of new businesses fail – then this is the right DVD for you.


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